Knowledge Base

Including/Excluding Advertisers in Yahoo DSP Marketplace

Including/Excluding Advertisers in Yahoo DSP Marketplace

Private marketplaces allow you to control which advertisers have access to your segments. In Yahoo DSP, you can include or exclude certain advertisers at the segment level, similar to the Trade Desk connector.

1. Introduction

When you want to give exclusive access to specific advertisers, or conversely block a set of advertisers, you can use the "advertisers" object with include or exclude arrays. This ensures only intended buyers can view or purchase your data.

2. Creating a Private Segment

Sample Body

  "parent_element_id": "322332-49fe-4378-b730-3a8e5336dd28",
  "buyable": true,
  "advertisers": {
    "include": [100, 200],
    "exclude": [300]
  "data_rates": [
      "display_rate_usd": 34.23,
      "video_rate_usd": 12.0,
      "rate_type": "cpm",
      "type": "yahoo_data_rate"
  "datasets": [812],
  "display_name": "Custom VIP Segment"
  • advertisers.include: Specifies which advertisers can see/buy this segment.
  • advertisers.exclude: Specifies advertisers who cannot access it.
  • data_rates: Pricing for display vs. video.

You can set both arrays, but typically only one is needed based on your business logic. The result is a draft segment until you synchronize.

3. Synchronize the Private Segment



Triggers Yahoo DSP to recognize changes. Check the taxonomy again to confirm the segment is active and has the desired private marketplace restrictions.

4. Updating or Removing Private Deals

  • Update the same segment with PUT to add/remove advertiser IDs or change rates.
  • Delete the segment if the private deal ends, or if you want to revert it to an open marketplace arrangement (in which case you might remove the advertiser restrictions).

5. Conclusion

By specifying advertisers.include or advertisers.exclude, you gain fine-grained control over who can purchase your data segments in Yahoo DSP. Always remember to synchronize after changes, and keep your taxonomy up to date by removing or modifying segments as needs evolve. For any additional support, contact Narrative.

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