Knowledge Base

Getting Started with Narrative Trade Desk Custom Marketplace

Getting Started with Narrative’s Trade Desk Custom Marketplace

This guide explains how to use Narrative’s Trade Desk Connector to share data with a specific set of advertisers or partners in a custom (private) marketplace. Unlike open marketplace segments, these segments only appear to pre-approved advertiser IDs or partner IDs.


When you want to limit which advertisers can see and buy your data in The Trade Desk (TTD), you can create private marketplace deals. Instead of a broad “system-level” rate (exposing your audience to all TTD buyers), you attach a data_rate_advertiser or data_rate_partner object so only specified advertisers/partners see and can purchase your segments.

Create a Private/Custom Segment

Restricting Access by Advertiser



Sample Request Body

  "parent_element_id": "12343234-430d-b8de-8c028bee5130",
  "buyable": true,
  "data_rates": [
      "rate_type": "hybrid",
      "type": "create_data_rate_advertiser",
      "batch_id": null,
      "element_id": null,
      "cpm_rate": 2,
      "percent_of_media_cost_rate": 0.2,
      "advertiser_id": "1234322"
  "datasets": [10523],
  "display_name": "my_audience"
  • This restricts the segment to the advertiser_id specified.
  • The segment is created with a hybrid rate (cpm_rate + percent_of_media_cost_rate).
  • New segments default to draft status and won’t be immediately visible in TTD until synchronized.

Restricting Access by Partner



Sample Request Body

  "parent_element_id": "12343234-430d-b8de-8c028bee5130",
  "buyable": true,
  "data_rates": [
      "rate_type": "hybrid",
      "type": "create_data_rate_partner",
      "batch_id": null,
      "element_id": null,
      "cpm_rate": 2,
      "percent_of_media_cost_rate": 0.2,
      "partner_id": "12323"
  "datasets": [10523],
  "display_name": "my_audience"
  • Similar to the advertiser approach but controlled by partner_id.
  • Allows exclusive access for a specific partner rather than a single advertiser.

In both cases, the response will show the new element in draft status, along with the corresponding data_rate_advertiser or data_rate_partner object.

(Optional) Update the Segment

If you need to change the advertiser/partner or adjust pricing, you can send a PUT request to the specific element:

  • Allows you to modify the data_rates array, update the datasets, or change the display_name.
  • Useful if an advertiser needs a different rate or you want to swap partner IDs.

Delete or Retrieve the Segment


  • Retires the segment entirely if it’s no longer valid or needed.


  • Lists current folders and segments to confirm your newly created segment or find element_ids for updates/deletions.

Synchronize to Activate

  • New or updated segments remain in draft until synchronized.
  • Synchronizing publishes the segments in TTD, making them visible only to the specified advertiser(s) or partner(s).

Additional Considerations

  • Multiple Advertisers/Partners: You can attach additional data_rates entries (one per advertiser/partner) if multiple private deals are needed.
  • Data Expirations: Underlying data sets typically expire after 90 days. Refresh monthly or quarterly to keep your segments accurate.
  • Manual Review: The Trade Desk may request to review your taxonomy before activating private segments.
  • Performance Monitoring: Narrative provides monthly segment-level reporting from TTD, helping you decide whether to adjust rates or retire segments.
  • Cross-Platform Consistency: If you also manage private deals in other DSPs (e.g., Yahoo DSP), you may reuse a similar structure for consistent organization.


To create private segments in TTD through Narrative’s Connector, attach data_rate_advertiser or data_rate_partner objects when creating your audience. This ensures only specified buyers see and can purchase your data. Keep an eye on draft status, synchronize when ready, and use the update/delete endpoints as needed. For more help, contact Narrative Support.

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