Knowledge Base

Getting Started With the Yahoo DSP Connector


The Narrative Yahoo DSP Connector app simplifies the process of converting your audience data into Yahoo DSP-compatible taxonomies. This guide will walk you through the steps to create and manage taxonomies, structure folders, set pricing, and sync your audiences with Yahoo DSP.

Accessing the Yahoo DSP Connector

  1. Navigate to Installed Apps: From the Narrative dashboard, select Installed Apps in the side menu.
  2. Launch the Yahoo DSP Connector: Click on Yahoo DSP > Taxonomy.

Creating a New Taxonomy

  1. Choose a Creation Method:* Generate taxonomy: Use Rosetta AI to automatically create a taxonomy from your datasets.
    • Create manually: Build your taxonomy folder by folder.
    • Upload a CSV: Feature coming soon Upload an existing taxonomy file.

Structuring Your Taxonomy

Adding a Root Folder

  1. Click Actions > Create Folder in the Taxonomy Management section.
  2. Enter a name for the root folder, such as your company or primary brand name.
  3. Click Continue to save.

Adding Sub-Folders

  1. Click the + icon next to a folder to add sub-folders.
  2. Name the sub-folders appropriately to organize your taxonomy logically.

Assigning CPM Pricing

Setting Rate Cards

  1. Select a folder or audience segment and click Set Rate Card.
  2. You can either:* Inherit pricing: Automatically apply pricing from the parent folder.
    • Set custom rates: Define display and video CPM rates for the segment.
  3. Enter the CPM values and click Save.

Searching for Audiences

  1. In the Select Datasets panel, search for audiences by their name or description.
  2. Select the datasets that align with your taxonomy structure.

Editing Metadata

  1. To edit folder or audience metadata, click the pencil icon next to the item.
  2. Update fields such as display name, description, status, or pricing.
  3. Toggle the "Buyable" option to control availability in Yahoo DSP.
  4. Save your changes.

Syncing Audiences to Yahoo DSP

  1. Once your taxonomy is complete, click Actions > Sync.
  2. This action makes the audiences available in Yahoo DSP for targeting and advertising.

Managing and Refining Taxonomies

  • Use folders and sub-folders to create a clear and intuitive structure.
  • Sync your taxonomy to Yahoo DSP whenever changes are made.
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