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Rosetta Taxonomy Builder


The Rosetta Taxonomy Builder is a powerful tool designed to simplify and streamline the process of creating and managing taxonomies in The Trade Desk Connector. This feature leverages Rosetta's AI models to automate the organization of datasets into a structured taxonomy, saving you time and effort.

Key Features

  1. Generate New Taxonomy: Automatically create a new taxonomy from scratch using your selected datasets.
  2. Expand Existing Taxonomy: Add new sections to your existing taxonomy, organizing datasets into Rosetta defined folders.
  3. Assign Datasets to Folders: Efficiently slot datasets into existing folders within your taxonomy.

When to Use Rosetta Taxonomy Builder

  • Creating a New Taxonomy: Use this feature when you need to organize a fresh set of datasets into a new taxonomy structure.
  • Expanding an Existing Taxonomy: Utilize this option when you have new datasets to add to an already established taxonomy and want to organize them into new or existing folders.

How to Use Rosetta Taxonomy Builder

Generate New Taxonomy

Step 1: Access Taxonomy Management

Navigate to the Taxonomy Management section within The Trade Desk Connector and select "Generate Taxonomy".

Step 2: Select Datasets and Set a Rate Card

Use the dataset browser to select the datasets you want to include in the new taxonomy. Optionally, use the "Select All" option to include all eligible datasets. Then add in your pricing information for either the open syndicated marketplace by selecting "System" or the custom marketplace with specific partners/advertisers.

Step 3: Generate Taxonomy

Click "Generate". Rosetta will analyze the datasets and create a structured taxonomy, organizing the datasets into appropriately named folders.

Expand Existing Taxonomy

Step 1: Access Taxonomy Management and Select Ask Rosetta

Navigate to the Taxonomy Management section within The Trade Desk Connector and select "Generate New Taxonomy Section" from the "Ask Rosetta" dropdown.

Step 2: Select Datasets

Use the dataset browser to select the datasets you want to organize into the new section.

Step 3: Generate New Taxonomy Section

Click "Generate". Rosetta will create new folders under a "Generated Taxonomy" folder and slot the datasets accordingly. All pricing information will be inherited from higher level folders.

Assign Datasets to Folders

Navigate to the Taxonomy Management section within The Trade Desk Connector and select the "Assign Datasets to Folder(s)" from the "Ask Rosetta" dropdown.

Step 2: Select Existing Folders

Choose the root folder and then a list of subfolder(s) where you want to slot the new datasets.

Step 3: Select Datasets

Use the dataset browser to select the datasets you want to slot into the chosen folder.

Step 4: Assign Datasets

Click "Generate". Rosetta will slot the selected datasets into the specified folder. All pricing information will be inherited from higher level folders.


The Rosetta Taxonomy Builder is designed to make the task of organizing datasets into taxonomies easy and efficient. By automating much of the manual work, it allows you to quickly create and manage taxonomies, ensuring that your datasets are well-organized and easily accessible. Use this tool to save time and reduce the complexity involved in taxonomy management.

For more detailed instructions and assistance, please refer to our Knowledge Base or contact our support team.

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