Knowledge Base

How to Connect Your DV360 Account to Narrative for Audience Data Delivery

The steps below will enable Narrative to begin sharing audience data with your Google Display & Video 360 account.

1. Share Your DV360 Partner ID with Narrative

Provide your DV360 Partner ID to your Narrative account representative or contact

2. Receive Service Account Details from Narrative

Narrative will supply you with a service account email address to use for the integration.

3. Add the Service Account to Your DV360 Partner Account with Standard Role

To add a service user to your DV360 account, please follow the instructions provided in the Google Display & Video 360 Help Center.

  • In the "Email address" field, enter the service account email provided by Narrative (e.g., <>).
  • In the "Role" dropdown menu, select "Standard."

Note on roles

  • Standard role is strongly suggested.
  • Admin role includes user management capabilities and is not recommended for this purpose.
  • Read-only role is limited to building reports and viewing data and cannot share data.

4. Narrative Configures the Delivery Profile

Narrative will use the service account to configure a delivery profile for the specified advertisers. Narrative partners can now start delivering audience data to your DV360 Partner Account.

By following these steps, you ensure seamless integration and data delivery from Narrative to your DV360 Partner Account.

For any further assistance, contact

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