Knowledge Base

Overview of Advertising Activation Platform Connectors

Advertising Activation Platform Connectors

The Narrative Connector Framework enables data suppliers to seamlessly activate their data across various advertising and marketing platforms. By utilizing these connectors, data suppliers can distribute their audience segments and datasets directly to activation endpoints, allowing them to reach targeted consumers on platforms like Facebook, Google, Yahoo DSP, and The Trade Desk. Narrative handles the data transfer process, ensuring that all necessary data transformations and secure hashing requirements are met for each platform’s specific needs. This setup simplifies the distribution process for suppliers, allowing them to expand their reach without needing to manage complex integrations independently.

Each platform has unique requirements for data sharing and accepted identifiers. The table below provides an overview of the supported integration options and required ID types for each connector, so you can understand how your data will be processed and activated on different platforms.

Overview of Narrative Connectors - Supported Integration Options and Required IDs

Connector Information


  • Integration Support:
    • Syndicated Marketplace: ❌
    • Direct Share to Advertiser: ❌
  • Supported IDs:
    • SHA256 Hashed Email
    • Phone Numbers
    • Person Name
    • MAIDs

Google Ads

  • Integration Support:
    • Syndicated Marketplace: ❌
    • Direct Share to Advertiser: ✅
  • Required IDs:
    • SHA256 Hashed Email
    • SHA256 Hashed Phone Number
    • Person Name
    • Postal Code (required)
    • Country Code (required)

Google DV360

  • Integration Support:
    • Syndicated Marketplace: ❌
    • Direct Share to Advertiser: ✅
  • Required IDs:
    • SHA256 Hashed Email
    • SHA256 Hashed Phone Number
    • Person Name
    • Postal Code (required)
    • Country Code (required)

Yahoo DSP

  • Integration Support:
    • Syndicated Marketplace: ✅
    • Direct Share to Advertiser: ✅
  • Supported IDs:
    • SHA256 Hashed Email
    • SHA256 Hashed Phone Numbers
    • MAIDs
    • Postal Code

The Trade Desk

  • Integration Support:
    • Syndicated Marketplace: ✅
    • Direct Share to Advertiser: ✅
  • Supported IDs:
    • SHA256 Hashed Email
    • SHA256 Hashed Phone Numbers
    • MAIDs
    • UID2s
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